Current projects


Ad Vitam - Adaptive Driver-Vehicle InTerAction to Make future driving safer (Hasler, 2017- 2020, Priority: Cyber-Human Systems)
keywords: Tabgible interaction, Bodily User Experience, Peripheral Interaction, Physiological signals, Interaction-Attention Continuum, Semi-Autonomous Vehicle, connected objects.

Automated cars hold the promise of raising the comfort, increasing security, reducing congestion as well as environmental impact of driving. Despite the potential advantages of car automation, such autonomous vehicles raise a number of issues with respect to human factors.
The main goal of the project is to study how human-vehicle interfaces can be designed to be operated at different levels of attention (focused, peripheral and implicit interaction) in shared control driving to keep the driver at the optimum cognitive load. We believe that the car of the future will be “our companion” and the driver and the system will work as team-members in order to complement each-other for managing the driving tasks and dynamically sharing responsibilities according to the context (e.g., technical limitations of the system, user state and fitness to drive, driving conditions, etc.)..

PREDICT - Predictive Maintenance (HES-SO, 2017- 2018, Priority: Secure and Reliable Systems)
keywords: predictive maintenance, machine learning, semantic model.

The aim of this project is .

PEGASO - Personalised Guidance Services for lifestyle management and disease prevention (IP-FP7, 2013- 2017, Priority: Personalized Healthcare Management)
keywords: personalized service, lifestyle management, obesity prevention, natural interaction, gamification, mobile interaction, social network.

The aim of this project is the development of personalised services, which enable individuals, from the younger to the elder population, to become co-producers of their health and main-tain good health status. This will include: (i) a "virtual individual" model, which comprises the personal characteristics of an individual (e.g. personal profile, preconditions, risk factors, unhealthy behaviours, preferences, physical activity, sleep, mental status etc.); (ii) advanced sensors to acquire data on lifestyle aspects, behaviour and surrounding environment; (iii) intelligent systems for recognition of behavioural trends and prediction or early detection of health risks on the basis of heterogeneous data, including data acquired by sensors and indi-vidual self assessment; (iv) a supportive environment to engineer awareness about healthy behaviours, offer personalised guidance and provide support to behavioural change; (v) de-velopment of a new ecosystem of stakeholders, engaging also actors such as fitness, food and lighting industry, schools, health insurance companies, policy makers and media; (vi) innovation in organisational models and business models for ICT-enabled disease preven-tion. PEGASO is a 4-year FP7 IP project, which regroups about 15 academic and industrial European partners .

iNUIT - Internet of things for Urban Innovation (HES-SO, 2014- 2020, Priority: Secure and Reliable Systems)
keywords: Internet of things, smart cities, mobile sensing, crowd management

iNUIT is a 8-year research program aiming at developing a technological ‘backbone’ for tomorrow’s city, based on the new paradigm of the Internet of Things. Eighteen projects have been set up focusing on this theme. Every one of them, ranging from the design of sensors to data analysis, is aimed at developing technologies which will reliably link the virtual world with the physical world. Street lighting, transport and parking, safety of people, health services – the range of potential fields of application is unlimited. As modern cities are extremely rich and complex environments, iNUIT initially turned its attention to the major events (festivals, political summits, sports events) which proliferate in Switzerland and has established a collaboration with the Paléo Festival Nyon and the Federal Wrestling and Alpine Games Festival. Consequently, the iNUIT programme initially focused on crowd monitoring, with the aim of optimising the mobility and physical safety of visitors during major events, examining how to collect and process relevant data (via participants smartphones for example) and anticipating danger, particularly in emergency situations. More informaiton on iNUIT research program and related projects can be found here: iNUIT Brochure


Past projects

Senior Living Lab (Gebert Ruf Stiftung, 2014- 2016, Priority: Social Innovation)
keywords: user centered and participatory design, ageing society, human well-being, novel interfaces, living laboratory

The Senior Living Lab (SLL) is a transdisciplinary research platform that aims at promoting ageing well at home through the co-creation of innovative products, services and practices with older adults. While most living labs for ageing well are focused on Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), this social laboratory adopts a transdisciplinary approach, bringing together designers, economists, engineers and healthcare professionals to develop multiple forms of social innovation using participatory methods. The SLL is based on an ecological approach, connecting professionals and users in a cooperative network and involving all of the stakeholders concerned with ageing well, such as existing associations, business entities and policy-makers. Three main themes for the co-design of products and services were identified at the beginning of the SLL conception, each sustained by a major business partner: healthy nutrition to cope with frailty, improved autonomous mobility to foster independence and social communication to prevent isolation..

SmartCrowd (HES-SO, 2014- 2015, Priority: Secure and Reliable Systems)
keywords: crowd management, mobile sensing, machine learning, HCI

SmartCrowd helps raising the level of safety in massive events, by providing a real-time monitoring of the crowd. Each individual's location, speed and heading are recorded by a custom application deployed on his smartphone and sent to a centralized server. The collected data is analyzed and results are generated approximately every second. In case of a possible critical situation inside the crowd, that may lead to a disaster, an alert is signaled. SmartCrowd can also detect possible critical situations in the future by predicting the state of the event. The detection of groups inside the crowd helps reducing the computation time of the prediction, thus making the real-time monitoring possible.

Living in a Smart Environment (Hasler, 2010- 2014, Priority: Interfaces for Intelligent Environments)
keywords: gesture interaction, multimodal interaction, HCI

Living in a Smart Environment is a joint PhD research initiative between the MISG and DIVA groups to study natural and economic gesture-based HCI for everyday use. In present day interactive, intelligent computing, an efficient human–computer interaction is assuming utmost importance in our daily lives. The aim of this project is to develop a novel natural and economic gesture-based HCI for everyday use both at work and at home. The project has two main goals. The first goal is to build a cohesive understanding of gestures and the relationships that exist between different systems, users, contexts and interactions. In this work, we aim at designing a consistent gesture language and dialogs. The gesture language will include both human and technical design factors and will adapt to the context of use and user posture and will be defined using a user-centered design approach. The second goal is to study the opportunity for a hybrid sensor approach for natural interaction in a smart environment. Such hybrid sensor will fusion multimodal signals gathered from multiple sensing technologies either distributed in the physical environment or worn by the user himself.

eGov Innovation Center (HES-SO, 2011- 2014, Call Smart Cities)
keywords: eGovernment services, semantic technology, business process management, context modeling, user requirements

Ce projet vise la mise en place d’un "eGov Innovation Center" pour la conception et le development de services de cyberadministration à haute valeur ajoutée pour la collectivité. Le centre aura pour mission d’offrir une plateforme de collaboration pérenne et pluridisciplinaire à travers la mise en place de laboratoires d’expérimentation de solutions innovantes et des réseaux de développement et de diffusion de produits et de services.

VICI ( HES-SO, 2008- 2010, Priority: Interfaces for Intelligent Environments)
keywords: augmented reality, information retrieval, multimodal interaction, tangible user interface

VICI is an ongoing applied research project focused on design and development of a generic framework for ubiquitous augmented reality applications based on tangible interaction.

For more details please look at VICI Website

Inter-Face: Interactive Surface ( HES-SO, 2007- 2010, Priority: Interfaces for Intelligent Environments)
keywords: interactive table, RFID technology, acoustic technology, optical technology

The goal of the project is to develop a toolkit allowing to trasform any surface (a table, a mirror, etc.) in an interactive one. The toolkit will integrate three main technologies: the electromagnetic, the acoustic and the optical one, supporting rapid prototype development.

For more details please look at Inter-Face Website

Memoria-Mea: Store, classify, search and visualize personal information ( HES-SO, 2007- 2012, Priority: Interfaces for Intelligent Environments)
keywords: personal information management, indexing, semantic model, ontology, information visualization
The goal of the project is to develop a PIM (Personal Information Management) system for managing multimedia content. The system will provide the user with personalized information supporting contextualized browsing and searching activities. The system will be based on existing generic indexing and classification tools and will add to those systems an additional indexing level based on a semantic model which takes into account user's profile and preferences.

For more details please look at Memoria-Mea Webiste

MEMODULES : As Tangible Shortcuts to Multimedia Information ( Hasler Foundation , 2006 -2010 , Priority: Man-Machine Interaction )
keywords: ambient intelligent, multimodal interaction, tangible interface, human-computer interaction, user-centered design, RFID technology

Tangible interfaces can be useful to establish links between our memory and information. We call them "MEMODULES". They roost abstract information in the real world through tangible shortcuts. MEMODULES are tiny tagged physical objects containing a link towards information sources that can be further accessed by several devices. We consider them as tangible hypermarks, i.e. embedded hyperlinks to abstract information attached to everyday physical objects. This project aims at designing, implementing and evaluating MEMODULES facilitating (a) information access and categorization and also (b) the control of everyday devices.

For more details please look at Memodules Website

HUMAVOX : HUman MAchine VOice eXchange ( HES-SO, 2006- 2009, Priority: Interfaces for Intelligent Environments)
keywords: speech recognition, speech synthesis, multimodal interaction, human-computer interaction, medical report

This project concerns the development of an innovative framework for supporting and enhancing speech recognition techniques by taking into account also noise information.

For more details please look at HUMAVOX Website

6th sens ( Hasler Foundation, 2006 -2008, Priority: Man-Machine Interaction )
keywords: augmented reality, framework, human-computer interaction

Augmented Reality enhances the user perception by overlaying real world information with virtual computer-generated information. The aims of the 6th Sense project are to maximize the user experience in mobile Augmented Reality and to improve the context-aware realtime interaction between the real environment and the virtual world.

For more information please look at 6th sens Website

Aphrodite - Darwin21 (2007 - Competition)
keywords: multimodal interaction, facial recognition, human-computer interaction
The goal of the project is to develop a system which recognizes facial expressions of people and then activates a puppet to do the same expression. The system will participate to Darwin21, a Swiss national competition, in September 2007.

For more details please look at Aphrodite Webiste

MyVox: Voice-Controlled Order Taking System for Restaurants ( CTI project, 10 months )  
keywords: human-computer interaction, speech recognition, noisy environment, restaurant

The project aims at designing and developing an order taking system for restaurants based on voice recognition. A dedicated voice acquisition system for this type of noisy environment will be designed as well. In order to facilitate the interaction between the system and user , the system will provide a multimodal user interface and it will be designed to handle stressful situations with recording of order items that can be replayed by the waiter/ess upon request.

eGovSM : eGovernment Service Marketplace ( Collaboration University of Florence and University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland , 2004 -2005)
keywords: e-government, integrated service, information system modeling, document engineering, grid service, XML

The project aims at providing quality services to the citizen by facilitating the interaction between the citizen and the Public Administration. As it happens in a traditional marketplace, where a citizen can buy the products he needs without caring about production and delivery process, the e-government marketplace aims at providing e-government services to citizens without requiring the citizen to be aware of Public Administration complexity. For instance, for the delivery of a document, citizens will not be concerned with administration responsibility or geographical location of information.

For more details please look at eGovSM Website